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Site is Online is ranked #10,214,076 on the world wide web, the lower the rank, the popular the website is. This live chat website is estimated to earn at least $ 4 USD per day from advertising revenues and we value it to be upwards of $ 2,687 USD. We have found the average page load time to be 1.47 seconds. This site has a PageRank of 0/10 , it gets a total of 350 estimated unique visitors per day which produce a total of 1,050 estimated pageviews. This website IP address is, and its server is located at Waltham, Massachusetts, United States. Last updated on June 29, 2016. Chat with many different girls on this adult cam site.

Overview of

Site Title: Gay Chat - Video Dating for Guys
Alexa Rank: # 10214076
Pagerank: PR0
Web Safety: Safe
Load Time: 1.47 Seconds
Estimated Daily Visitors: 350
Estimated Daily Pageviews: 1,050
Estimated Daily Revenue: $ 3.68 USD
Estimated Website Worth: $ 2,687 USD
Primary Country: N/A
IP Address:
Server Location: Waltham, Massachusetts, United States
Description: Free Gay Chat web Cam without registration, online video Dating for guys, find a partner or friend on our website now, chat with guys from all over the world. Inpage Analysis

H1 Tags: 0 H2 Tags: 0
H3 Tags: 0 H4 Tags: 0
H5 Tags: 0 H6 Tags: 0
Encoding: utf-8 Doctype: XHTML 1.0 Transitional
Total Images: 58 Text/Html Ratio: 23.76 %
Images Missing ALT: 0 Google Analytics: Found

Alexa Traffic Graph Analysis

Traffic Rank Graph

Traffic Rank Reach Pageviews Pageviews/User Bounce % Time on Site Search %

Daily Visitors Country Map Analysis

Daily Estimated Visitors by Country for, 350 visitors per day. Primary Traffic From N/A

Search Traffic Analysis

Daily Estimated Search Volume for is 0 quries a day.

Search Volume Index

Search Volume Index analyzes a portion of Google web searches to compute how many searches have been done for at We then show you a graph with the results.

Social Media Analysis

We last checked popularity on social media at June 29, 2016. We found that:

  • This site had 0 Facebook Likes.
  • This site had 0 Tweets Count.
  • This site had 0 Google +1s.

Indexed Pages Analysis

We last checked at June 29, 2016. We found that:

  • This site had 0 Indexed Pages.

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Website Metas Analysis

These are website metas on

Meta Content
titleGay Chat - Video Dating for Guys
descriptionFree Gay Chat web Cam without registration, online video Dating for guys, find a partner or friend on our website now, chat with guys from all over the world.
keywordsGay Chat - Video Dating for Guys
robotsindex, follow

DNS Record Analysis

These are DNS records about

Host Type Target / IP TTL Other
gay24chat.comNSns2.reg.ru86400class: IN
gay24chat.comNSns1.reg.ru86400class: IN

Server Location Map

W3C HTML Validation Analysis

We last checked at June 29, 2016, while checking this page as XHTML, we found that: